sâmbătă, 17 decembrie 2011

Never Again!

Once upon a time...I am just kidding I am never going to start anything with this phrase.
One year ago, I went to the mountains with my family. Because it was December, it was normal to go to a snowy place...so we picked Balea. Balea is a wonderful turistic station, where all you can see is snow.
It was perfect, right...WRONG! I didn't know how to ski, how to snowboard, how to ice skate and I was terrible at a snowball fights. So...aparently, the best place on Earth turned into the most boring one. But I couldn't abstain. I had to do something...so I tried to ski...BAD IDEEA.
Not only that I went skiing when I didn't know anything about it, but I chose the professional corse. Everything went fine...until I fell and broke both of my legs!
Skiing...the sport I won't be doing very soon. Maybe I should try rock climbing...

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